Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development
Student Registration Form
Select Programme
DPAP : Doctor of Philosophy(Social Sciences)(Applied Psychology)
DPCOMPAIML : Doctor of Philosophy(Sciences)(Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning)
DPCOMPCP : Doctor of Philosophy(Sciences)(Cyber Security)
DPCOMPDATASCI : Doctor of Philosophy(Sciences)(Data Science)
DPDS : Doctor of Philosophy(Social Sciences)(Development Studies)
DPEN : Doctor of Philosophy(Social Sciences)(English)
DPMATHS : Doctor of Philosophy(Sciences)(Mathematics)
DPPA : Doctor of Philosophy(Social Sciences)(Public Administration)
DPSOC : Doctor of Philosophy(Social Sciences)(SOCIOLOGY)
DPSW : Doctor of Philosophy(Social Sciences)(Social Work)
MADP : Master of Arts(Development Studies)
MAEN : Master of Arts(English)
MAPA : Master of Arts(Public Administration)
MASO : Master of Arts(Sociology)
MASW : Master of Social Work(Youth and Community Development)
MSAI : Master of Science(Computer Science(Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning))
MSAP : Master of Science(Applied Psychology)
MSCM : Master of Science(Mathematics)
MSCS : Master of Science(Computer Science(Cyber Security))
MSDS : Master of Science(Computer Science (Data Science))
Name (as on ID card)
Mode of Registration
Enrolment Number
Examination Roll Number
Enrolment Number
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